Alex’s Signature Session Process

Signature Session Process

Throughout the entire experience, the focus is solely on resolving your challenges or desires and exploring your body’s erogenous zones.
I do not judge or form opinions.This is your journey to express your true self, guided by your rules and boundaries. You are 100% safe, understood, and protected.

Step 1: Opening Dialogue
Upon meeting, we begin with a chat about sexuality and topics that are important to you, such as techniques for improving intimacy, past traumas, relationship challenges, health concerns, and more.

For the first impression, it may not seem necessary, but actually, it is a game-changer for the experience. This stage helps to de-armour the mind, reducing self-judgement and fostering a more open and receptive mindset.

Duration: 60 min

Step 2: Preparation
You will get short training on how to be more sensual and feel more orgasmic feelings during the session. I will explain the process.
Duration: 10 min

Step 3: Sexual Meditation
Next, we move to a sexual meditation designed to allow the sensation of orgasm to flow through your nervous system. We also explore the vocalisation of orgasm and cultivate an arousal mindset.
Duration: 20 min

Step 4: Full-Body Coconut Oil Massage
You’ll be gently blindfolded, lying face down on a plush bed, enveloped in soft melodies and easy chatter, setting the mood for pure relaxation and anticipation.

A relaxing full-body coconut oil massage follows, intended to de-armour the body and promote relaxation. The massage gradually increases in sensuality, building arousal while incorporating more body-to-body contact.

Duration: 40 min

Step 5: Yoni Stimulation
– Gentle external yoni stimulation begins, aiming to release physical and emotional tension.
– Internal yoni stimulation follows, with a focus on mapping and exploring sensations.
Duration: 40 min

Step 6: Peak Stage
The peak stage involves intensified stimulation, culminating (possibly squirting) and an active body dance.

This step may be repeated 2–10 times using different techniques.

Duration: 20-120 min

Step 7: Emotional release
As our sensual massage draws to a close, it’s normal to experience emotional release, even shedding tears.
Duration: 15 min

Step 8: Relaxing Phase
The session concludes with a relaxing phase to restore balance and calm.
Duration: 15 min

Total Duration: 3-5 hour.


Each session is bespoke and tailored to your unique journey. As a result, the duration and steps of the session may vary based on the preferences, questionnaire, chosen session length and your body’s response.

Read more about Yoni Massage in Bangkok

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